Ty Teresa
I began working out at the age of 10 years old with New Jersey strength legend Joe Carini. By the age of 11 I was waking up at 4:30 am every day to meet Carini at the gym and strength train. I immediately fell in love with it. This was the beginning of where I found the passion of my life which is lifting weights. I excelled tremendously and by freshman year of high school I was already bench pressing 315 lbs. This love for lifting weights continued and it not only made me physically strong, but also tremendously mentally strong. Because of the amazing benefits I’ve personally gained from lifting weights, I want to seriously make others experience the same benefits in every area of life that lifting weights has given me. I have 16 years experience in this and can truly help anyone achieve any goal they wish.
-16 years experience
-12 years trained and mentored by NJ Strength Legend Joe Carini
-Expert in Strength & Hypertrophy Training
-565 lb Bench Press, 700+ lb Squat, 700+ lb Deadlift